
Production Management System for Garment Factories

CYCLOMOVE is a production management system for garment factories, which provides for the distribution of boxes, equipped with bar codes, which contain the component kits to assemble t-shirt, underwear, tricotage, denim, knitwear. Furthermore CYCLOMOVE is suitable for the preparation during production of clothes, jackets and other big sized garment. The system, automatically managed by a software, knows which operator and which machine are present in each work station and which article is contained within each box, consequently it knows which operation can be carried out in each work station. The line manager loads the box at the start of the cycle, on any free trolley, the system autonomously positions the box in front of the operator who has to carry out the first operation; at this point, a signal light turns on, informing the operator to unload the box. Once the first operation is finished, the box is put back into circulation and sent to the workstation, where the next phase will take place, the same will happen for all phases, until the work cycle is completed and the box will be automatically unloaded out of the system.

 Anzani's Surplus:

• Industry 4.0
• Great time saving
• Workstations saturation
• Control of the production time
• Never have to change the position of the stitching machines
• +20/30% Productivity increase
• Many models at the same time in production
• Zeroing of downtime
• Maximum production flexibility
• Made in Italy

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